Residential Window Restoration

As custodians of our homes & their components, let's commit to preserving their environmental integrity and historical significance

At Leon Edwards, Window Restoration is Our Heritage and Passion. Across the North Shore of Chicago and beyond we specialize in preserving historical integrity through meticulous window restoration. Every window holds a story, and we've yet to encounter one we couldn't revive. With our expertise, historic windows can regain their functionality and timeless charm, standing proud as they did on their very first day


- EPA approved lead safe work practices - Free sashes to regain operability - Scrape & sand excess paint to smooth surfaces - Replace all old ropes with new sash Sampson Spot Cord - Repair all structural damage to sashes - Replace missing/loose glazing putty - Clean window inside and out including glass - Spot prime bare wood - Paint inside of sash with Benjamin Moore acrylic paint

Starting at $795


- EPA approved lead safe work practices - Remove sashes for offsite restoration - Remove all paint buildup on sash & jamb - Repair all structural & cosmetic damage to sashes - Either with wood ductchman or Industry approved epoxy - Clean & reuse historic glass - Prime with Benjamin Moore oil based primer - Paint inside & outside with Benjamin Moore acrylic paint - Bed glass in Sarco putty with glazing points - Finish glaze with Sarco glazing putty - Replace all ropes with Sampson Spot Cord - Restore all hardware

Starting at $1,695